Loyal Stricklin
Loyal Stricklin
Loyal Stricklin is an idea built from nothing. One hide turned to two, two to four, and four to many more. With a few simple tools, we began our story: one built on hard work, late nights, and too many cups of coffee. We began our journey in Opelika, AL, in the town's old train depot. Later, we moved to an old cotton warehouse down the street , still a few short feet from those train tracks that brought Opelika to life when it was founded. After 4 years of quaint small town life, we decided to uproot and relocate our lives and our business. Our studio is now located in the bustling Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood of Nashville, just a few short minutes south of downtown. Along the tracks once again, often the train rushes by just outside our studio window, drowning out the sounds of work, reminding us of how far we've come, and how much further we still want to go.
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